Information Sharing and Disclosure:
MARION INSURANCE AGENCY takes your privacy very seriously and user privacy and confidentiality is of the utmost importance. Our reputation and integrity is directly related to how we serve our clients and customers. Please find below a description of how MARION INSURANCE AGENCY strives to protect the privacy of Internet users, and maintain the Internet as a highly credible medium.
User Information:
MARION INSURANCE AGENCY respects the privacy of the individuals and businesses accessing their web site. MARION INSURANCE AGENCY does not rent, sell or share personal information about you with other people or non-affiliated companies except to provide products or services you've requested, when we have your permission. On our server logs, MARION INSURANCE AGENCY automatically receives and records information such as your IP address, cookie information and the specific URL requested upon visiting our site.
This is done through the use of a "cookie" or small text file which is placed on the User's hard drive by the browser thus allowing MARION INSURANCE AGENCY to track the number of hits or visits to various pages of the MARION INSURANCE AGENCY Web site. The cookie is only utilized for a single connection to the MARION INSURANCE AGENCY web site and is not used to track User activity after leaving the MARION INSURANCE AGENCY web site.
This information is used for general purposes such as customized advertising, content generation and service/product request form updates - all of which aids us in improving our services and conducting research, while also providing anonymous reporting for internal and external purposes.
Affiliate Web Sites
The MARION INSURANCE AGENCY site contains hyperlinks to Internet sites of MARION INSURANCE AGENCY affiliates and other businesses and resources, and each Internet site may have its own privacy and data collection policies and practices. MARION INSURANCE AGENCY is not responsible for the privacy and data collection policies and practices of any of its members or other businesses and resources, or for the content of their Internet sites. Users interested in the privacy and data collection policies and practices of MARION INSURANCE AGENCY affiliates or other businesses and resources should review their policies.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
MARION INSURANCE AGENCY reserves the right to change this Policy at any time by posting changes to this page. Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to: