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Auto-Owners Insurance is one of the largest property and casualty insurance companies domiciled in Michigan. The Auto-Owners Insurance Group ranks among the largest in the nation, with over 3.3 million policies in force. The Companies also enjoy the highest possible ratings assigned by nationally recognized independent rating authorities.


The Progressive group of companies ranks third in the nation for auto insurance, with more than 11 million customers. We're committed to using the latest technology and innovation to improve the experience of our customers. At Progressive, we care about how we do business.

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Robert Pein founded State Automobile Insurance Company in 1921 to tackle inequities in the industry. From the beginning, State Auto has advocated the independent agency system as the best method of serving the needs of policyholders. Today, State Auto writes business in 26 states from Michigan to Florida and from Utah to Virginia through more than 3,400 independent agencies.


“Innovation leads to growth” has been Foremost’s guiding philosophy since the company’s founding. Today, and into the future, we continue to be committed to creative ideas that will improve our service. Foremost offers insurance coverage for Mobile Homes, Specialty Homeowners, Specialty Landlord, Motor Homes, Travel Trailers, Fifth-Wheels, Luxury Motor Coaches, Motorcycles, Off-Road Vehicles Snowmobiles, Personal Watercraft and Family Boaters.


CNA Surety understands the needs of its customers and has built itself to be responsive, flexible and focused on satisfying the unique requirements of each one of its customers. CNA Surety can provide custom-tailored surety solutions to virtually all segments of the market, regardless of size or circumstance.

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